Pregnant after IF

Sort of an intro

Hello, my name is Kristina and I have posted some on IF. Details in sig but we have been trying for almost 2.5 years, with treatments on and off for last 1.5 years. Today for me is 14 DPIUI and the day my RE told me to take a test and I got a BFP (on a digital). However, I had a booster HCG shot 4DPIUI (it was around 4000 units - what was left in the bottle) so it is only ten days since the booster. I am very afraid it's still the booster. I don't think I can get a beta drawn until Tuesday b/c of President's day. I just felt like I needed to share my thoughts in a place where people would understand. Any thoughts?

Me - 34. DH - 39. TTC #1 since 9/2010. IUI #3 2/3/13 + progesterone. BFP on HPT 2/17/13. Beta #1 2/19/13 = 61.9. Beta #2 2/22/13 = 71 Beta #3 77 - C/P
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