August 2013 Moms


So I had my 14wk appt with my dr today..He told me Im starting to show..hehe.

Im going on the 4th for my quad screening and Im realllly looking forward to getting that over with so they can tell me my results are good! staying positive!!

Im going for my 18wk u/s on the 18th but we havent decided if we are finding out the sex or waiting..kinda leaning toward finding out..

We just got pre approved to start looking for a new house on Valentines Day so we have a few houses to go see on Tues. Am I totally crazy for moving in the middle of my pregnancy?!? We do need more room for baby so its for a good reason!

I am excited about seeing my baby again, hopefully hearing good news about my LOs health and moving in a spacious new home and decorating babys room! Cant wait!!
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