August 2013 Moms


So now that I'm almost out of my 1st trimester, I have been really looking forward to getting rid of the nausea. I woke up today feeling really good with just a little bit of nausea. I have been all excited today except for this random headache that started around lunch time and won't go away. I just read that headaches are a new symptom to expect around this time, but didn't really think I'd have much issue since I wasn't prone to them before. Wrong! I'm hoping this isn't a daily symptom because that would really suck. I really don't want to take anything for it so I'm just sucking it up. It's not horrible but, I've had it for the last 4 hours so it's really starting drive me nuts. 


Anyone else experiencing the headaches or have suggestions on how to get rid of them (without meds preferably)?


BabyFruit Ticker




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