Pregnant after IF

So close.... yet so far (re: PIO)

They got my hopes up that I'd be able to wean off the PIO shots and Vivelle patches starting this week. The nurse just called and said never mind! I have to continue the same dosages until my next ultrasound in almost 2 weeks. I don't actually mind them so much but I was excited to get a lower dose. 1cc would just be so much better than 2cc's. It was because the ultrasound tech couldn't get a good read on Baby B's heart rate. He was kind of hiding. The ultrasound earlier last week was perfect with both babies having perfect HRs. Even the tech said his HR looked great but she was just having trouble getting it recorded. They like to see at least 100 and his was.... drum roll.... 98. Le sigh.

If they decide I can start weaning off after my ultrasound I will be 9 weeks. It will take 2-3 weeks of lower dosages so I'll be on it the full 12 weeks.

TTC #1 for Dh, #2 for me. HSG clear. Low AMH and endo. Multiple Clomid w/TI cycles - all BFNs. 2 IUIs with Clomid and 1 with Femara - more BFNs. IVF#1 25R, 15M, 15F. 5DT of two perfect 4AA blasts! Positive HPT at 5dp5dt. Beta #1 6dp5dt - 72. Beta #2 8dp5dt - 285. Beta #3 10dp5dt - 793. Both babies have strong beautiful heartbeats! Baby B miscarried at 7 weeks. Baby A barely holding on. Stick, baby, stick!

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