August 2013 Moms

Uncomfortable with MIL's pitbull

I don't want my baby or my future babies at my MIL's house because of her pitbull and I am struggling between feeling guilty about it and feeling justified.

It is my 19 yr old SIL's dog, who still lives at home.  This is not an extremely well trained and disciplined pitbull.  It is a pitbull whose mom works a lot and goes out a lot so she is not home that often.  The dog spends quite a bit of time in a cage in the garage and is not super socialized around people.  I have been around her and she does seem very sweet and loving, but I just don't trust her.

She has attacked their pomeranian and another SIL's chihuahua who was visiting.  The pomeranian was unconscious for 15 minutes and they never took her to the vet to get checked out but had no outward wounds.  Luckily, since she is still alive, it doesn't appear that she had any internal injuries.  The chihuahua had a huge puncture wound and needed emergency surgery.

They tell me if my baby is over that they will keep her locked up, but everytime I am there the dog ends up in the house, so of course she will be in the house if I leave. I don't care that she has never attacked a human, she obviously has a vicious side and a history of violence, and poor socialization skills.

I have heard through the family that MIL is sad she doesn't see my baby as often as the other grandkids. I tell her every time I see her to call me and come by anytime, but she hasn't. (We all live in the same city)  It has become awkward because my daughter doesn't seem to like her and cries everytime she holds her. My MIL is wonderful, she is a very sweet and nurturing person, so I feel really bad. She raised 12 kids and I trust her completely.  It's just that I SAH and rarely need a sitter and when I do, I have my adult daughter who currently lives at home so I don't have to take the baby anywhere.  I have asked her to babysit a few times at my house, but she was busy the times I asked.  I even took my daughter there a few times, but after the recent pomeranian attack, I no longer feel comfortable.

So, I guess the question is...should I feel guilty about her not seeing her granddaughter very often, or should I be content with the efforts I have made?  And I am not overreacting about the dog, am I?   All of her daughters bring their kids over and I am the only one that seems to have a problem.

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