August 2013 Moms

Mind changed

So, I was refusing for a long time to do the NT scan. Just didn't want to get myself emotionally worked up over nothing. Plus, there is nothing I would do differently to prepare for baby if an abnormality came back positive. I am really disinterested in invasive testing, but now there's the Mat21, which I'd be way more comfortable with if need be.
BUT then...I got a little jealous over all your NT scans. Yep that's the honest truth. My last US was at 7w and I wasn't getting another one until mid April for the anatomy scan. I just can't wait that long because I'm completely spoiled by technology and I miss my baby. I can't wait to see it looking more human and less seamonkey lol. Appt is set for next Thursday! I'll be 12w5d then. Weird, I'm not usually one to change my mind, especially to hop on the band wagon ha.
Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.
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