3rd Trimester

moms with 3 already, fill me in!

There might be a better board to post this on, but I know it gets a lot of traffic so maybe some of you can help me out.

 I have a 7 yr old DD and a 2 yr old DS.  Since he was born I've had a desire to have a 3rd child but I'm not sure if it will make life difficult and I should be happy where I'm at.  My DH is fine with 2, he doesn't really want a 3rd but said if it would make me happy he would have a 3rd.  How much harder is it to go from 2 to 3?  Would I be so busy that I would long for the days of 2?

I know I would love another baby but I start thinking about things like going places in the car, will it be a hassle if we want to spend a Saturday running errands with 3 or if will it be too hard for me to go out alone with the 3?  Will we ever get to take a nice vacation again or are we doomed to forever travel to places we can get by car because it's too expensive to fly?  Will my 3 bedroom house be too cramped with 5 pple and all our things and is it unfair to ask one of the children to share a room with the new baby?

I know no one can predict the future but what I want to know is what is your life like with 3?  

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