Single Parents

Going to sign custody papers today-help!

I have to sign today to start everything.  I'm asking for full physical/legal custody, and very limited supervised visitation.

I was angry yesterday and had called to say that DD had a Valentine for him.  He was at his GF's house.  He started yelling at me that I don't allow him to see them and making me sound horrible.  It's hard enough knowing he's with someone else and all the other crap.  Last night he started again with the I'll be over at 8 am.  He did show up but I passed him as I was leaving the house. He followed me so far and then I took a pic of his car.

He left me messages that its all my fault that he doesn't see the kids.  I have marked down all the days he saw them and the times he was and bugged out.  He never calls, doesn't do anything in regards to parenting.

What will I need as far as proof when the hearing or whatever its called comes up?  They said I can have a hair follicle drug test for 200.00.  He was diagnosed bipolar but doesn't take his meds that I know of.

I have saved all his texts and voice mails that are crazy sounding. 

I guess I just need some advice. And a little hand holding.

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In
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