August 2013 Moms

Just a quick question about guilt trips...

Actually, it might be more of a rant...

Ever since my husband and I came out and told everyone that we were pregnant, it seems like everyone wants to tell us what to do and what we are doing wrong... When we told my MIL on Christmas I told her I was going shopping the next day and she told me that I better not buy any baby clothes before I went to my first doctor's visit because and I quote "you will kill the baby if you buy anything this early." Not only was it inappropriate to say but it really hurt my feelings because the whole time she has been acting like I'm not good enough to have my husbands child...Now she is mad at me because I have not invited her to any appointments. Now please note that I just today, had my second appointment and my mother and a friend went with me. Its like she it out to make me feel bad and I'm sick of it. 

Now, not only is MIL bad, but my mother is about to get on my last nerve. She thinks that I'm not doing a good job of being pregnant because I haven't put pictures of my belly on Facebook. I am only 12 weeks and you just barely tell that I have a belly at all. She is also mad because I won't let her put anything on FB about my doctor's visits, like the heart rate or how much weight I have gained. I think all this stuff is personal really and don't know why they don't understand. Yes, I know this is the first grandchild on both sides, but in my opinion, it is my child. I am the one carrying it for 9 months, I am the one that is going to have to deliver the baby and I am the one that will care for this child for the rest of it's life...They have had their turn and their chance and now it is our turn....

Now my question, am I totally horrible for feeling like this? 

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