2nd Trimester

Contact with category X cream

When I was approximately 10-11 weeks pregnant I did manual therapy on a patient and touched his face and then did soft tissue massage to his neck muscles rubbing in massage cream with my hands. After this I found out he had been using cream on his face that was a type of chemotherapy treatment and was listed as a category "X" for use with pregnant women. At first I didn't seem to worry but I have noticed I find myself worrying more and more that it may have had a negative effect on my baby. Our appointments are about 30 minutes long and I do wash my hands after every patient. Has anyone had contact with a category X cream or known someone who has and things turned out fine? I know it depends on how far along you were in your pregnancy and the type and length of contact. Can you really transmit chemicals through your fingers/hands that enter the blood stream? My worrying is now starting to affect my sleep and I needed to vent :(
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