August 2013 Moms

Keeping Our Secret Until 18wks

My and DH's families live in the Midwest; we live in the West.  They all know that we've wanted children for years but it has taken us so long to succeed that I think they all assumed we gave up and have moved on.  It really got to the point where no one was asking and we weren't bringing it up.

It just so happens that I'll be making a trip back home for business right at 18wks.  I thought it would be much more fun to let them find out by seeing me rather than us telling them remotely via phone or skype.

I wasn't sure what an 18wk twin bump looks like.  It would be really deflating (for me) to end up having to tell them if it wasn't physically obvious.  So we googled 18wks with twins; it will definitely be obvious!

I am so excited for my trip!  I'm ready for our families and friends back home to know.  Thank goodness for August 2013 bumpies; I've had no one else to talk to but DH.

I'll also be announcing to work during this trip.  Since I work remotely no one has seen me.  I've also been a complete hermit this winter so none of my local friends have seen me since my bump popped.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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