August 2013 Moms

Subchorionic Hematoma

When I went to my doctor's appointment on Friday, they found a subchorionic hematoma (blood clot) in my uterus. The baby looked great during the ultrasound but this makes me worry. I haven't had spotting or bleeding, which the doctor said would be common with this, so I'm somewhat scared my body isn't getting rid of it. The doctor said it's a little larger than she'd like to see, but did explain that sometimes they'll get smaller, and/or go away, by themselves. She said there's nothing that can really be done except for monitoring it so I go back next Friday for another ultrasound. I'm really trying not to worry myself and stay positive until we see what's going on next Friday but it is hard not to worry. I was 12 weeks exactly on Friday and I know when they're found later in the first trimester it could be worse. Anyone have anything encouraging to add or similar positive experiences with this? Thank you very much. 
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