August 2013 Moms

Scarey night!

We went to the mardi gras ball last night and around 11:50 I felt a rush of fluid from my vag... So I quickly walked to the restroom and by the time I got there I could feel it on my thighs and when I check it was blood, lots of blood. So I tried calling DH and my phone decided not to work so I had to go out on the dance floor and find DH and we rushed to the er cause I was also cramping: when we got there they got me to a room ASAP cause I had blood goin through my dress and everything and the dr came in and finally did an ultrasound about 1hour after being there and we saw baby and babys heartbeat! So baby is ok but they said it was a threatened miscarriage... So I am pretty much on bed rest until I see my ob Monday morning. Unless something else happens or it gets worse.... I am still pretty scared but hoping and praying for the best!
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