August 2013 Moms

Wwyd? Friend delivering baby?

Okay, so I guess officially OBs deliver babies, but the nurses are there for the whole thing.

Anyway, my friend now works in the maternity wing of the hospital I delivered at. We aren't super close, we met at a breastfeeding support group when our boys were little and run into each other at the gym and the park.

She jokes that when I get pregnant next, she's going to try and be my nurse! She doesn't know I am expecting yet. Anyway, how would you feel about a friend/acquaintance as your nurse during LD? I have mixed feelings.
August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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