
Exhausted and need your advice.

My DS (almost 4 months old) eats every two hours during the day and is up every three hours at night to eat.  I have a scale and do weighed feedings periodically so I am sure to send enough milk to daycare since we EBF.  He's getting about 30-34 ounces of milk every day.

But, I am working full time and being up every 3 hours at night is absolutely killing me.  I can barely function at work some days.  I can't pull the trigger on any type of sleep training to get him to skip one of his middle of the night feeds because he is hungry when he wakes up at night and almost fully empties my breasts when he eats.  I am NOT going to deny him food (we had weight gain issues in his first month because of tongue tie; he dropped from 96th percentile for weight to 50th)

Am I just going to have to ride this out until we start solids at 6 months (will it even stop then?)?  Any suggestions?  I'm really hurting for sleep.

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