
AF...6w PP??

So, I delivered 26 weeks 6 wweks ago today. I am EPing since LO is in NICU. I pump 8 times per day. The past weeks I have been working to increase my supply with great success. I woke up this morning an AF has arrived! I feel like a ftm in so many ways with the EPing. I honestly don't remember when af returned after my first but I know is was at 5 months pp with my second. I just cannot believe its here already! Is it normal? Should I be concerned about my supply? I guess part of me is just mourning that the pregnancy is really over. I mean I was not even supposed to deliver until later I have af! Oh, well. I guess I just need to focus in my LO who is doing awesome 6 weeks! If there is anything I need to know about pumping and af please let me know!! Thanks!
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