3rd Trimester

Screwed Sleep Schedule (and other fun things)

Apparently, I am never going to sleep at night ever again! At least, that's the way I feel right now lol. I try to lay down, legs say "Oh no, that's not gonna happen!" or I get nice and comfy and then here goes my bladder "Haha, thought you were gonna sleep now? NOT!" Ugh! I knew this was going to happen, but it is still very frustrating. Oh, but once the sun comes up, it's like my entire body goes into a zen-like let's-get-some-sleep-now mode... and then DS wakes up. He's not in preschool yet, won't start until August, and SO works morning shifts so I get the joy of getting up at the crack of dawn to chase a 4 yr old all around the house when all I really want to do is sleep. Luckily, SO gets home around 2-2:30, so I can usually pass out then, but only for about 2 or maybe 3 hours.

Then there's the scaly hand syndrome. My hands are sooooo dry, and it doesn't help that I have to pee every 10 minutes, which means washing my hands every 10 minutes. I am going to bring all of this up at my OB visit next week, but I just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing anything similar and if you have found anything that helps, especially with the dry hands.


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