
Pumping at work after 1 year?

I'm going to be starting a new job soon and I'm still nursing LO. Due to the time I spent away from her before, I was pumping 3x at work. She is starting to naturally wean, but is still nursing, so I will still need to pump at least 1 time at work in order to make the transition smoothly to just morning/night feedings- I was hoping to pump during my 30 minute lunch. The problem is, with the new job, there isn't an immediate place for me to pump unless I use someone's office or the bathroom (I know because I had a day long interview, and pumped during the lunch hour, but used someone's office that they vacated momentarily). If your baby is over 1 year of age, does a workplace have to find a place for you to pump, or is it at their discretion? The car isn't an option due to the workplace environment and the fact it will be super hot out. TIA!

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