August 2013 Moms

Pregnancy makes me a raging Beotch!

Wow, holy pregnancy hormones batman. I've lately been on a mission to give anyone and everyone who ticks me off a piece of my pregnancy hormonal pie... right to the face! I may have actually burned 2 bridges (but honestly, they're bridges that needed burned a long time ago but I never had the guts to tell people how I really felt). My friends always joked that I didn't know the word "no" when it came to people always asking for my help.

Last night my family and I went to dinner together and the whole time my mom is talking about "I can't wait to take the baby to the zoo, to here, to there, sign the baby up for baseball, to do a million and one things with the baaaaaby." I felt so overwhemled and put my head in my hands and just told everyone to "stop!".

Everything from dealing with automated services for Medicare at work, "What do you mean, you don't understand what I'm saying... it's not my fault I can barely pronounce the last name myself....." *begins pressing 0 over and over again*. From the lady who had 32 items in a 15 item check out. Seriously lady, get out of my way, I need to go home and make these sugar cookies, right NOW.

Anyone else feel like they need anger management? lol

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