
Shocked at the Pedi's

So DS2 had his 4 month appointment yesterday. It started out with the nurse weighing him and asking all the usual questions.  Then she gave me a sheet to read while we waited for the pedi.  That's where things went downhill.

It was a sheet printed with the logo of a very large group of pedi's in my metro area, so it's not just my pedi who's handing this out.  The sheet was filled with just some crazy bad advice/info.  Including:

-By 4 months old a FF baby should only be eating 4 times a day and a BF baby 5 times a day.  If you don't drop the early morning and MOTN feeding soon, it will only be harder on you and baby later.

-All 4 month olds should be sleeping from approx. 10pm to 7am and should not be waking in the MOTN.

-Baby should fall asleep on their own.  If your little one fights sleep you should start by letting them fuss for 5 minutes.  If they don't fall asleep after 5 minutes, go in a comfort once.  Then leave the room.  Let little one cry for 10-15 minutes the next time.  The exception to this is if you think your little one is sick or scared.

-BF babies should now replace vitamin D supplements with a mulit-vitamin supplement.

-Solids should ideally begin at 4 months, but need to be started by 6 months. The reason for this is to replace baby's falling iron stores that are not being replenished fast enough from BM or FF.  Baby also needs to learn how to "chew" now so they will be ready for table foods by 1 year.

Huh?  I love my pedi, but I pretty much disagree with all of this.  No wonder so many BF babies are diagnosed with slow growth and put on formula by 4 months old with this sort of advice.  5 nursing sessions a day.  Are you kidding me?  And none of them should be in the MOTN?  What if mom is just one of those women who doesn't have a lot of milk "storage space" so to speak, but makes plenty of milk for LOs frequent nursing sessions?  Or the baby (like mine) who is a bit distractable, so doesn't always get full at each feed. 

Ugh.  So sad.  I mentioned to my pedi that I disagree with the advice, and she acted like she seen my point, but wasn't really to worried about fixing the errors. 

So would you draft a letter to send to this pediactric group?  Or would you just drop it?  I'm definitely going to bring the fact sheet to my LC to see what she has to say about it. 

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