
Lurker with a question

I've been lurking on ths board for a few weeks, and need to chime in with my own question--thanks in advance for any help!

My son is now seven weeks old and we're working through a few issues. Around four weeks old, my lactation consultant diagnosed me with having an oversupply. Liam was gassy, refluxing a lot, generally very cranky and unpleasant to deal with, poor thing. She suggested we try blocked feeding, which seemed to work really well--no more reflux, and very minimal gas. Then his six week growth spurt hit almost two weeks ago and things have completely changed. He began eating every 45 minutes, and was constantly screaming for more food. I was still blocked  feeding him, and my breasts were empty. Under the suggestion of my lactation consultant, I've been offering him both breasts at a feeding to get us through the growth spurt. Since I'm guessing that the spurt is over now, we went back to blocked feeds, and he's still screaming for more food even after emptying one full breast at the beginning of each block.  I guess my question is, can blocked feeding lead to a low supply? And is it possible that I never had an oversupply , but rather an overactive letdown instead? Are those mutually exclusive? I have a call in to my LC, but would love some other opinions!


Whoa, that was long--prizes to anyone who actually read that! 

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