
If your LO *used* to STTN...

Hoping someone else might have similar experiences. DD started STTN around 8 weeks, and it was amazing. She worked her way up from 7 or 8 hours a night to 11 or 12, sometimes waking and fussing for her pacifier, sometimes not. We had a few days around three months where she woke to nurse, but once she got through the growth spurt she went back to STTN.

Since about 4 and a half months, though, she's waking to nurse at least once, sometimes twice, a night. I know this is normal for some BFing babies, and I'm prepared to just ride it out, but I guess I just don't know what changed? At first I thought it was the four month wakeful, but then it just kept on going. We had about a week where she STTN again, but now we're back to waking up to eat. If she's hungry, I definitely want to feed her, but I'm worried now I'm setting her up just to want to nurse in the middle of the night when previously she could get through it just fine.

Has this happened to anyone else? Did your LO ever return to their "normal" sleep patterns?   

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