
LO feeding and talking at the same time??

My LO is getting a few rather peculiar eating habits at around 2 months...

When he's breastfeeding he tends to squirm (maybe because he doesn't like being horizontal on the pillow anymore?) and although he's latching and feeding fine, he keeps making grumbling noises WHILE he feeds. I find it a little disturbing that he's trying to 'talk' and feed at the same time, and WHY would he do that??

Strangely when he's having a dreamfeed, he's calm and doesn't do the above. Also, when he's very hungry he doesn't bother about what position he is in and just quickly latches and suck suck sucks.

It's the in between moments, when he's half full/ half hungry that he acts so peculiarly. I know he hasn't gotten his fill yet though, because he'll still root/latch.

Also, when he's bottle-feeding, he prefers his feet to be touching the sofa seat on which the person who is feeding him is sitting on... he doesn't like having his feet dangle in the air or he'll squirm and complain...

Is it just my LO who is peculiar in this way, what could possibly be wrong that makes him 'talk' during the feed, and any breastfeeding positions to recommend? Thanks. :)

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