3rd Trimester

Down hill quickly

Im at 33 weeks and I honestly have a had a really great pregnancy.  Granted, I have had the occasional meltdown and very brief morning sickness, but I'm still sleeping at night (except for the 2-3 times i get up to pee) and I still have what feels like a pretty decent amount of energy.  I've had the occasional back pain and was hospitalized in December with pre term contractions (I had back pain and dr sent me to L and D) but was not progressing towards labor.  

 Since Sunday I feel like crap.  I knew it was gonna hit sooner or later, but this bad pain in just insane.  I called out of work Monday and laid in bed with a heating pad all day.  LO moved into a different position on Saturday morning and since Sunday I could feel him pressing on something in my back.  I didn't call the dr bc it felt purely muscular.  Yesterday the sciatica pain kicked in and now today my back is just radiating all types of pain.  SO bottom line, my question is this when the crappy feeling kicks in, does it happen so quickly.  I know that severe back pain is something to call your dr about, but I was so confident it was just the baby's position.  If that's the case can it still hurt like hell?  TIA

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