
First PP period at 9 months

Sorry for the tmi, I think I've started my first period pp today.  About 2 weeks ago I was feeling crampy, got a little of my sex drive back haha, and broke out around my chin (haven't had a pimple since lo was born!).  So I kind of assumed I may be getting my period soon, since lo is eating more solids and less bm.  Must have been ovulation cramping, bc today I'm not cramping at all.  I'm expecting some serious cramps after what Ive heard from others on the boards lol! My mom seems to think I should have got my period back much sooner, but I'm pretty sure I've read that people get it back at all different times right?  Just wondering when others did, I made it to 9 months with no period so I'm not complaining! I'm expecting a drop in supply, so I'm drinking mothers milk tea to help.  Did anyone else feel like your sex drive returned after this?  I haven't had much since lo was born. TIA!
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