
Pumping in the morning.

I'm trying to work on incorporating pumping into my morning routine. I go back to work in 5 weeks and would like to have somewhat of a freezer stash ready in case I need it.

Along with pumping I also just added my morning workout back into the routine last week, so I'm trying to fit in all of this and I just don't know the best way to do it.

Right now it seems like DS is waking up to nurse around 4 or 430, then again around 7 or 730. Sometimes he's up for the day at that point, other times he'll go back down until 930 or 10. I work evenings and even when I'm not working I tend to go to bed on the later side, so I want to sleep as long and late as possible myself. I also have a 2 year old who wakes up around 9 or 930.

Last week I tried to pump after the 7am feeding, then work out and shower before the kids woke up at 930. They both were waking up before I got a chance to shower and that was with only a 25 minute workout. There's just not enough time to nurse, pump, workout, and shower all before my kids wake up in the morning.

I'm thinking maybe of maybe pumping after the 4am feeding and then going back to bed until the 7am feeding and then doing my workout and shower then. It's just hard because I never know exactly what time either kid is going to wake up, so of DS wakes up 20 minutes 'late' and DD wakes up 20 minutes 'early' then I might not even have time for the workout and shower.

Any tips or advice or ideas is greatly appreciated.
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