
Reached 1 what?

I just surpassed the 1 year mark of BF'ing, but I'm not really sure what I can/should do now.  From what I have heard, lots of people stop pumping at one year and just BF morning and evening (and overnight if needed).  But what is LO supposed to have during the day if I'm not pumping?  Would this give her enough nutrition?  She not a huge eater of solids, I think.

 We have tried small amounts of WCM (in LOs cereal in the morning) but other than that we haven't tried it straight up in a cup. Up until now I was pumping twice a day at work and I just feed her straight from the boob anytime I am home, including 2x in the mornings and evenings on work days. I'm not really sure what I should do now.  I've heard some moms just keep BF'ing, letting LO take the lead on weaning. If I stop pumping, don't I need to give her WCM (or some other kind of milk -  goat's, soy, almond, etc) during the day to make up for what she isn't getting in BM?

Sorry if this sounds dumb.  I'm a FTM and don't have mom friends to advise.

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