August 2013 Moms

Constipation and Diarrhea (TMI)

Ok...wondering if anyone else has been in the same boat.  Sorry if this is TMI!!

Yesterday I had a few loose stool BM's in the morning and then became constipated throughout rest of the day accompanied by some strong cramping or lower abdominal pain.  Called dr...she didn't seem concerned.

 Left work early and pains continued through rest of day w/o any successful BM's...on top of it fruit makes me vomit (lovely morning sickness) so as I was trying to increase my fiber intake it was just coming back up.  

Around 6:30 I took 2 T. of Milk of Magnesia as that was on the list of "OK" to take from my dr...2 hours later nothing and still in pain so I took 2 more T. of MOM.

Slept on and off last night...pains seemed to decrease.  Woke up at 6 am to lots of watery diarrhea which happened a few more times in the morning.  Now I have some slight cramping again.

Called doctor on call...again they aren't really concerned. He said drink lots of water and my symptoms are now from MOM.

Just wondering if anyone else the experience of the painful cramping (which doesn't really go away) accompanied by constipation and/or diarrhea.

Thanks girls! Oh...the joys of pregnancy!! 

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