
Bright green poo, anyone? ...lots of Q's

DD is just over 9 weeks old and since yesterday, she has gone from the normal yellow poo, to darker green, to bright green. I read that this may be due to a fore milk/hindmilk imbalance. Any one else have this issue? How can I remedy it? 

My story: 

I seem to be a bit of an over producer. DD is currently STTN, and I feed her from the breast about every three hours during the day. She gets the occasional bottle of breastmilk if we are out and about. I pump 3 or 4 times a day, and get anywhere from 6-10 oz per session. I usually pump after feeding and I don't think I ever empty my left breast...might be emptying the right. I go back to work next week, and will be essentially EPing starting then. Will EPing make the issue less noticeable?

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