
Weight gain question

From everything I've read, it is normal for an EBF baby to gain about 5 ounces a week at four or five months of age. 

I weight my little man each week at a BFing group, and he has been gaining five ounces a week. But he is still dropping percentiles on the growth chart. Both my old pediatrician and my new pediatrician use the CDC chart and I know that's not the best indicator, but on the WHO chart, it looks like he would still be dropping percentiles.

Am I wrong to think five ounces a week is decent gain?

Since his four month appointment, I've been offering the breast all the time to get his weight gain up. I switched pediatricians to one who is more supportive, but I was disappointed to see that DS had dropped five percentile points even with a gain of 12 ounces in a little over two weeks. 

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