August 2013 Moms

So frustrating!

As I mentioned in a post earlier this week, I went to the ER due to some heavy bleeding.  My OB confirmed that everything is okay but confined me to bedrest this week.  I think I'm doing what I need to be doing, I mean, I've been super lazy and sitting on my ass most of the day.  Anyway, I thought htings were healing or whatever well.  The last few days I've only had brown spotting.  And tonight when I wiped after using the bathroom, it was bright red blood again! this is so irritating! Why won't this just pass!?!   sorry, this is a vent.  I hate being lazy and no matter what I have to return to classes by Tuesday. I'm in law school and the ABA requires that students may only miss up to 5 classes before they cannot sit for the class finals.  And this is my final semester so I have no choice.
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