
A Theory on Supply Issues - Thoughts?

Hi ladies,

I was reading an article yesterday about the lack of support by the medical community for breastfeeding mothers, how the OB's refer breastfeeding issues to the pediatricians, who refer it back to the OB's and how there is lack of research on supply issues, etc. etc.

Anyhow, one place in the article stated a possible cause of supply issues could be hormones, and that women who don't see their breast size increase during pregnancy might have a harder time breastfeeding.  I know that size supposedly doesn't matter when it comes to the ability to BF, however, this struck me as interesting. With my first pregnancy, i stayed a 36B the entire pregnancy.  No increase in size, no tenderness, no swelling, no leaking, etc.  My supply sucked. However, friends and relatives who i notice have complained about tenderness, size, etc. during pregnancy, I notice they haven't had the same struggles as me. 

I'm soon going to be welcoming another LO and throughout this pregnancy, my poor little pancake boobs haven't changed a bit.  That article got me wondering if I should be expecting the same struggles. 

So, my question is, for those of you with supply issues, did you notice swelling, increased breast size, etc. during your pregnancy? 



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