
We made it to a year!!

I can't believe I'M the one posting this - After a year of reading other nestie's "we made it to a year" posts and hoping that one day it would be me! 

DD turned one on 3/24. I'm so very proud to say that we made it to a year BFing, especially since I work full time! BFing was one of the most challenging, and most REWARDING experiences I've ever had in my life. There are only a few accomplishments in my life that I'm really, really proud of, and THIS is one of them.

It takes a village - there is no WAY I could have made it a year without the unflinching support of my husband, and our families, my friends, my local BFing group, and this board. 

Keep up the good work mama's! You're all doing great! :) 



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