August 2013 Moms

New Due Date!

I havent posted much, but I am just so excited that I need to share. We found out we were pregnant new years eve, and I had charted our due date to be Sept 10th (based on my last period, or what I thought was one. It was very irregular) So I had thought we were only 4 weeks along at the time. I made my appts, and went last week for the consultation. The Dr dated me at Sept 10th, because of my period info that I gave her. We went in for our dating ultrasound yesterday and the ultrasound tech says to me "So you think you're about 8 weeks? I respond with, "yes somewhere around there." She says "Well, you're baby is much bigger than 8 weeks. You're actually 12 weeks." And she proceeds to show me and my husband our baby and how big they are, points out the babys little arm near their face. I laughed alittle in amazement and the baby fluttered alittle and we could see the babys 2 little legs sticking up. It was the most amazing sight! This baby is our first and seeing him or her on that monitor was incredible! It finally feels real. New due date Aug 18th!
BabyFruit Ticker
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