
First daycare day has me MORE confused...

LO went to daycare for the first time today... She was there from 830am until 2pm. I told the teacher before I left that I brought 4 2oz bottles and 2 1oz bottles as backup in case she still seemed hungry after feeding. I get home and find that she ate a 2oz bottle and both 1oz bottles... And that's it! I don't know if she forgot that there were different sizes and accidentally grabbed the 1oz bottles or what. LO was screaming by the time we got home... I gave her one of the leftover 2oz bottles from daycare and then she nursed for 15 minutes. It seemed like she was starving!

Is it normal for babies to eat a little less during the day while they're adjusting to daycare? She loves to eat and I expected her to polish off almost all the milk I left... Do I need to tell the teacher to feed her more often? She typically nurses every 1.75 to 2 hours at home...

Now I REALLY don't know how much milk to send on Monday when she starts full time... Ugh, I'm so confused.
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