
Not responding well to pump

I am going back to work on Monday and I am starting to freak out. I have a very small freezer stash (less than 50 oz). I am trying to pump to get enough bottles for Monday, and it isn't going well. I hear about all these women pumping large amounts first thing in the morning. Well, I've been feeding her on the left and pumping the right first thing in the morning. I pump for 20 minutes (milk has stopped flowing) and I'm only  getting 1 oz!! What gives? My breast still feels like it has milk in it. I've done compressions, massage, changed the membranes. Later in the day I can sometimes get up to 2 oz, but I don't understand why I'm getting so little at the time I'm most full.

How do you build up enough milk to give bottles to LO the first day you're back at work?

Also, does anyone have any advice on getting rid of a lingering blister on the aureola?  I got it about a month ago in the middle of the night when LO latched on wrong. It's gotten better, but still red and sometimes hurts when I feed her. The pump, however, is torture with the way it presses on it. I've just been putting lanolin on it.

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TTC since Feb 2010
?BFP #1- 7.03.10 Missed MC, d&c 8.9.10 (10 wks)?
?BFP #2- 12.16.10 Natural MC 12.25.10 (6 wks)?
?BFP #3- 2.19.12- Welcome baby girl! (Oct 26, 2012) ?
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