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I'm new to the Bump. Really feel I'd like to hear some opinions/advice/suggestions. So here goes.

My husband is having major trouble with my being pregnant. I'll be 10 weeks along tomorrow, told him about 5 weeks ago or so. He started acting weird/distant from that night on.

 Background, my husband has 3 kids. 2 from a previous marriage (13 and 14), and 1 (6 yrs) from a woman he dated and didn't know about the little one til she was almost 2! Her mother is no longer involved, and she lives with us and calls me Mom, and is "ours". During our relationship, he's gone back and forth a little wtih wanting kids. He knew from day 1 that it was VERY important for me to have at least 1 of my own. And he was totally on board. Then about 8 months later, we had major court troubles with 1 of the exes, all related to money. He changed his mind at that point. Then another not quite year after that, changed it again, saying we'll have 1. We weren't "not" trying, and I was having some hormone problems, afraid I couldn't conceive, so he said we'd just keep going as we are, and if we don't conceive in the next couple years, we'll get checked out.

 So then I got pregnant in Dec, and he is freaking out. I went to the docs last week to get preg verification for our OBGYN, and he didn't ask me about it at all. He's showing NO interest in me or the baby lately. I finally brought it up the other day, and he started freaking out saying he didn't want another kid, and I should just abort it, but it was too late for that at this point. I know he didn't mean that part, (later found out he was mad about something else too), but of course it hurt that he said it anyway. I don't feel like I have his support in my pregnancy at all.

 I of course, got mad back, saying he shouldn't of LIED to me saying he wanted one if he didn't, knowing we weren't taking any precautions!!

At this point, I'm nervous and scared. I strongly believe he thinks I'm just like the other 2 women, just out to get his money. Both are selfish, and put themselves above any of the kids. That's not me. I'm finishing school and will make about 2x what he does when I'm done, so if he doesn't want me/my baby, he doesn't have to pay a penny, EVER. 

 This is getting long, so I'll stop now. Anyone's hubby/partner had difficulty adjusting? Anything I can do to help him along? Trying not to stress here...
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