January 2012 Moms

Repost from 1st tri: 6 weeks no fetal pole?

Ok, so I went in today to get an U/S to determine my EDD (since I haven't had a cycle since August 2009--I'm still BFing my son) and in the U/S we saw the yolk sac, embryo sac but no fetal pole. I finally got to see the Dr about it and she seemed perfectly happy with the scan, saying that being just at 6 weeks (based on the measurement of the sac, etc) the pole was only now beginning to form at a rate of 1mm per day. She scheduled me for another U/S NEXT Friday just incase but said that this development is completely normal.

So I was fine.

But THEN I go online (stupid stupid) and see that women can see the fetal pole AND HB by 6 weeks?...obviously my doctor's opinion is the one I should trust, but has anyone else been in this position?

Any consulation would be great. I know you ladies obviously can't see into my uterus to give me an answer, but any encouragement or stories would be so helpful right now!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Breast-feeding, co-sleeping, Christian SAHM and wife.
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