
Ounces at Daycare

For the last two weeks, my mom was keeping my 3.5 month old. She was taking three 4 oz. bottles while I was gone at 11, 2, and 4.

Yesterday at daycare, when my husband picked her up, she had only had 2. I nursed her at 8, and he picked her up at 5:30. Of course, he forgot her sheet, so I'm assuming she ate at 11 and 2. I feel like she should have eaten again at 4 or 5, but she wasn't fussy when she got home. I went ahead and nursed her three times before she went to sleep instead of two, and she slept well.

Should I say something? I am pumping 3 times a day for 16-20 oz. Should I increase the size of those two bottles if she is only going to get two?

I should say the only reason I'm worried is that my baby really only fusses when she can't get to sleep and is tired or wants attention, not for a wet diaper or hunger. You have to just change her or feed her when it's time, and she will only start to fuss when she is totally ravenous and desperate for food. It's just her temperament.


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