
Breastfeeding Advice

My 2nd son is 4 months old now, and for the first 2 months we had horrible latch issues. I was in agony, constantly on the verge of giving up and dreading each feeding. Now that we seem to have the hang of everything and I enjoy breastfeeding, I started to look back on my breastfeeding journey. One thing I noticed was that there are so many sites online that offer support and advice, and online communities are full of mom's ready to offer advice and some kind words. If it wasn't for the kindness of some strangers on the internet, I certainly would have given up.

 I write a blog, and yesterday I sat down and I wrote a post about the things I wish I'd known before giving birth to my son and breastfeeding. I was wondering if anyone had things to add? What advice would you offer up to a mom breastfeeding for the first time or to a mom struggling?

 Here's a link to the post too:

Maybe we can help more mom's! :)

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