
Hunger cues ?

DS is 6 weeks and EBF. I feed him about every 2 hours... Sometimes 1.5 or up to 3.. But usually right around 2 hours.

He doesn't really show any hunger cues other than crying or getting fussy... Usually right around the 2 hour mark, but nothing else seems to help the fussiness other than nursing. But I feel like it's a guessing game... "Oh, he's fussy, it's been 2 hours, I guess I'll feed him again.."

I guess I'm just questioning it because he doesn't really seem eager to eat either... There's always a lot of resistance and I have to force him to latch on, once he latches he's usually fine and eats.

I guess I'm just wondering if he's really hungry or comfort nursing or just generally a "fussy baby". If he's really hungry then I have no problem feeding him, but I'd love to space out the feelings a little bit if we can.
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