3rd Trimester

who is the other person in the room...

So DH and I have been going to our child-birthing classes and I think he's beginning to get intimidated by his potential role in the L&D.  Last week he started asking if I want someone else there with us--a trusted girlfriend or even a doula--and I kind of balked.  We live 2000miles from our families and my closest girlfriends, so it had never crossed my mind.  I don't really feel close enough to any of my friends here to ask them to be there.  And as for a doula, while I like the concept of a support woman in the room, I'm not comfortable paying someone to be that woman (we're already deep in the hole with this pregnancy since I'm high-risk). 

So ladies, 1) are you having someone else in the room besides your DH and yourself?  and 2) who?  I guess I'm looking for non-traditional answers here since our mothers are out of the question.

BFP#1 8/14/07 m/c d&c 9/20/07 Dx APS 2/9/09 after multiple CVT BFP#2 7/28/12 EDD 4/9/13 -- holding our breath and hoping BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary
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