3rd Trimester

1 day overdue and so upset...

I posted yesterday about how I have been experiencing some profuse clear and unscented leaking for the past 2 weeks and ended up going to LD for the second time only to be told that they still don't know what it is and getting sent home.

When my OB checked me I was slightly effaced and dilated between 12 cm. I figured he would set an induction date for later this week since yesterday was my due date, but instead... he told me to come back to his office next Monday ! to be checked and have my induction scheduled for the END of that week! That's February 9th or 10th! When my due date is January 28th!

I am so upset. I understand that baby will come when he is ready, but here's the thing: this same obstetrical practice did the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter. She was born at exactly 42 weeks and had passed meconium, so of course it was about 6 hours before she was brought to my room so I could nurse and really meet her. Not to mention it was terrifying.

Plus with the way I've been leaking I am becoming increasingly concerned. It now soaks through a pad and my underwear in a matter of about 3 hours. If its not fluid or urine, I'm really confused as to what else it could be. And now what if my water truly is broken and I don't go to the hospital because they keep sending me home? I KNOW something more is going on than what they are finding but they aren't taking me seriously, they kept making jokes about how I'm just ready to have this baby.

I'm at my wits end! I have half a mind to go somewhere else, but no other OB will touch me at 40 weeks pregnant. I'm positive I won't be going back to the same OB next time I'm expecting, though.

At this point I don't know what to do. Any words of advice or encouragement are appreciated!
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