

DS just turned 5 months.  He nurses/gets a bottle (at daycare) every three hours (4-5oz).  He has oatmeal an hour after his morning bottle, and a vegetable an hour after his evening nursing.

The pediatrician said that the solids should not be replacing a nursing so to do them after a bottle/nursing.  And that when introducing a new food give it four days before trying another one.  So far we've done the oatmeal, avocado, peas and are about to start carrots.

DS loves his oatmeal, enjoyed the avocado, but didn't like the peas.  One of the problems I'm running into is that after his evening bottle he doesn't want to wait up for his veggie so he won't eat much of it.

The daycare just contacted me to ask me to start sending in a veggie to eat with his noon bottle.  I don't want to do this yet.  One, I'd like to introduce the new foods at home where I can see if he has a reaction, and because I'd like to see him try things for the first time.  And, two, I think having it with a bottle will over-fill him.  But I also don't want him to go hungry...

At his age, whats a good schedule for him to be on with regards to solids?  Should he be getting three solid meals a day already?  Any advice is appreciated.

Gus Gus
Born: August 27th, 2012
8lbs. 15oz. 20" @ 7:07pm
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