
11 1/2 months old, 6 teeth, excruciating sessions.

The subject pretty much sums it up. Her incisors are farther down now, and one is basically making a hole(sorry, tmi, but completely true) on my nipple. It is dreadfully painful. So much so that I pretty much have to hold my breath off and on when she's nursing on that side. It is so sore, it hurts to even put my bra on. 

Not sure what do to, or how to help this situation. I'm not ready to stop breastfeeding and neither is my daughter. But, this is excruciating. I've tried nursing her in the football hold(rather interesting when she weighs 21 lbs.) But that didn't help. I've even reverted back to trying to position her head before she latches on and getting my nipple farther back, but I've had no success.

 Any suggestions would be more than welcome and appreciated. 

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