August 2013 Moms

Not Returning to Work After Baby

So who has done this and how did it go?  I know many women plan to return and change their minds after baby arrives.  I pretty much know I want to stay at home and DH's new job should allow us to do that financially.  We still need to make the final decision, but given I am having twins, I think it is for the best.  I've always wanted to be a SAHM. 

Now I don't want to screw over my co. of three years, but want to look out for myself as well.  We do not have an official maternity leave policy, we have to use STD (6 weeks for vaginal delivery, 8 for c-section) and you can use FMLA for the remaining time up to 12 weeks (unpaid of course).  They do require you use a week of sick/vacation time prior to STD kicking in.  I would ideally like to take a little time off before the babies even arrive and at 39 with twins, I know that is a possibility (however slim) or bedrest or something else before they arrive. 

Should I go ahead and consult my HR on their policies and what my options are?  Until DH and I really sit down and work through the numbers, I don't know for sure that I'll stay at home, but very much leaning that way.  I just don't want to be discriminated against if I let them know in advance I plan to NOT come back.   AND............i am covered under my own insurance here.  DH and DS are covered by DH, so how would that work?  I can't move to DH's insurance now since they would consider my pregnancy as a preexisting condition and not cover me.  If I quit prior to the babies coming- would I be stuck having to pay COBRA to cover my birth?  I worry about that too.   What would you do- go talk to HR about options - and if so, when- wait until I am further along? 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Michelle- 39, DH 41 Mom to 5yo boy (IVF) Latest pregnancy- IVF #1- ER- 11/30 ET- 3 day, 12/3- 3 8 cell embies Beta- 14dpo- 488 Beta- 18dpo- 2500 7 week U/S 1/4- TWINS! EDD 8/21/13
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