3rd Trimester

Pain following breech baby turn

I am 32 weeks with our first child. He has, until very recently, been in a frank breech position. I went to the chirpractor twice last week for some neck pain. While I was there, my chiropractor adjusted my pelvis/sacrum area. The day after my second appointment, I was surprised to feel the baby kicking upward for the first time. Just a minor adjustment and he was no longer breech!

My excitement was short-lived however.

Within a few hours I started having a constant achey pain coming from what I could only assume was my cervix. It was made better by lying down but sitting upright and standing were both uncomfortable.

I called my midwife. She told me based on my symptoms it was most likely bladder infection (I had NO painful or frequent urination) and set me up with an appointment for the following day to get checked out for the bladder infection. She also gave me specific instructions to call and/or go to the ER if my symptoms got worse. I did mention the position change, and she said it could very well be that the change is just putting pressure in a different area of my uterus.

The next day, I was still experiencing the same amount of pain. Prior to my appointment, my lower back slid back out of aligment slightly (I felt a light crack by my tailbone) and within an hour baby slid back into his normal frank breech position. The achey pain started decreasing immediately.

I did get a negative from my bladder infection check, but was unable to discuss the changes my midwife because she was in delivery at the time.

Has anyone else experienced pain following a breech turn? I can't seem to find any information about symptoms following a turn. I am concerned that if/when he (hopefully) turns prior to delivery I could be experiencing sypmtoms of a weak cervix or some other problem that may cause preterm labor.

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