3rd Trimester

Hypercoiled cord? Long need advise please!!

I am 37 weeks, and at 20 weeks i found out my son has a hypercoild umbilical cord. My docotors have never seen anything like it so have me on close monitoring. Well they never seem to be concerned about what i have issues with, like when im in pain or cramping they say oh its normal pregnancy stuff. So as they are doctors i trust them (what choice do i have iv never gone through pregnancy before) Well i decided to look into it myself. I have read on multiple different medical sights that hypercoiling is a rare thing to happen. And that it usually leads to miscarage in late pregnancy. Those people who make it to full term seem like everything is going to be ok,, but during delivery all of a sudden babys heart stops and can not be resesitated. I have talked to my doctors about this and they dont think its a problem. Me on the other hand actually doing research am extremely worried!!! Iv asked about getting indused before there is complications, they refused. They wont due a c sec unless it comes down to it but it will mostlikely be 39-41 weeks along for that. I would switch doctors but as i am a military wife i must go to the hospital here on base. How would you go about convincing them that an induction at this time would be a good thing. I know my body more than they do and they havent even done there homwork on the subject. Im just so worried and scared please help!!

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