3rd Trimester

My birthing fear

Most women seem to be terrified of labor pain so they already plan to get an epidural. I have never been scared of pain, i see it more as a challenge. So no drugs for me. Labor was incredibly intense with my first son. I had a water birth at home and loved the hot water, the pain was manageable.  My fear has nothing to do with laboring, it is that I am afraid of the stitches after!  How ridiculous is that. I can handle broken bones, intense labor, all kinds of stuff but i get ancy over a few stitches down there!  

I remember even with the anesthetic she applied i could still feel the needle.  Im not scared of needles either.  There is just something about that itsy bitsy prick and the sting. Not to mention last time she put a stitch through my clit! Its only semi operational and is uncomfortable often. My fear makes me feel ridiculous but its there.  Okay now to suck it up lol

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