Babies: 6 - 9 Months

I'm starting to think I'm a bad mom...

I feel like a complete failure when it comes to food and my DS.  He gets two meals of baby food a day, if I offer him lunch he doesn't want it.  He isn't crawling yet, so I think maybe he doesn't need lunch cause he doesn't need the extra calories yet?

He doesn't get juice, and I've had several people tell me that I need to start offering juice.  Is that a NEEDED thing?  That seems like a lot of extra sugar...

And finger foods.  He gets puffs, but still hasn't mastered getting things in his mouth... so I haven't really given him anything else.  I don't know what to introduce, when, or how much.

It's all just so overwhelming.... what do you guys do with your LO's?  Am I just going crazy!?  Haha.

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